Saturday, March 27, 2010

Yang Berhormat..

This morning was the AGM of the school's PTA meet. I knew things were going to be a bit heated up when this particular parent started questioning the proceeding of the meeting even before the previous minutes were ascertained. This very concerned client of the school..'client' was how he described himself, you see.. had questions to almost all points brought up in the agenda. It wasn't so much as the merit (or demerit) of his suggestions but more of the way the suggestions were voiced and worded that made them almost impossible to swallow. He did not mince words, no sir-ree.. sarcasm all the way. All smiles and ego to boot.
I would've sensed his quiet arsenal-preparation (he sat on the first row, the seat next to the standing microphone) had it not been for his pseudo(in retrospect)friendly smile. We do like to think the best of people, eh?
Barrage after barrage of comments and insinuations later, oh was it later? It felt like he had been forever yakking on the mike, that the counselor had to cool things down by taking the mike and beg for the consideration of others, that there were more important things to discuss apart from the unspoken disgrace on our side for not putting in the page numbers on the sheets on the minutes. The head warden also put in a few words, in the school's support.
He put all in the hall in an uncomfortable mood. Very bad for those with heart condition i must say.
The meeting came to a much awaited end 3 and a half hours later. With the loud-mouth braggart leaving the hall as the new deputy YDP. Go figure.

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