Thursday, November 20, 2008

Real kitties

Last Sunday, the stray pregnant cat that had been visiting my place finally gave birth to 3 kittens. Days before that, she had been making surveys into the my study and spare room looking for places to nest her youngs. Saturday saw her scratching the inside of the box in my study. I knew the time was drawing near.
Come Sunday morning, I prepared a box and put it outside the balcony and shut the door so that she woudn't come in. Sometime at 10am I heard the first mewling of a kitty. The third kitty was born sometime around 1 pm. Sigh...
People say if cats come to you, it's a good sign. Good signs for what, I don't know. Do you?


  1. i guess so. u shud have taken vid clip n send it to nat geo baa... hehe. minta satu, cute ka?

  2. iya ba kan..tia ingat mo record the whelping moment. the kitties baru mo buka mata..half opened. 2 jantans and 1 betina. cute!
