Sunday, November 30, 2008

Introducing....newlyweds...Denis and Dorin@ Ann.
A small group of us from Penampang drove to Keningau on the 28th. After about 2 hours of driving up the meandering route of Moyog-Tambunan and the almost straight stretch of Tambunan-Keningau, we arrived at Keningau town. After a short makan stop, we checked in at Keningau Perkasa.
Around 7pm, Uncle Johny came to Perkasa to accompany us. I forgot the jalan ba. The last time I went to Patikang Ulu was early this year and it wasn't me driving. I was just the passenger, so... tidak ingat jalan. Upon reaching the venue... discovered that the whole(i think) surrounding kampung folks were there to make merry. The sound of bandboys could be heard miles away. Uncle Denis looked...almost serenely happy. Dorin...the nervous but happy bride. What was it the Ketua Kampung said that sort of tickled me? He was a bit tipsy but tried to be serious at the same time... he said something like this," ...Pada hari yang bahagia ini, kita semua ingin sama-sama meraikan perkahwinan antara Denis dan Dorin...Pada sesiapa yang mengganggu ketenteraman majlis ini, sama ada dalam bentuk pergaduhan..akan mendapat hukuman yang setimpal...atau disebabkan oleh pergaduhan atau apa-apa...yang menyebabkan kerugian atau kerosakan barang-barang perkakas di tempat ini juga... kamu akan menerima akibatnya...kamu akan dikenakan bayaran yang sepatutnya..."
Practical...I suppose. But I must say...this kind of wedding scene is the kind that has almost died a natural death in the Penampang area. The kampung style. The kampung folks seem to be really enjoying the food and the music. And oh...the music alternated from the modern (bandboys) to the traditional(the gongs).
When the gongs were beaten, a few folks would come out in the middle of the Kem - a 'dancing' space was made/cleared for that purpose- and dance. While the rest of the crowd would sit and drink and eat. What was yet another fun turn of even to watch was, when it was the bandboys' turn to play, Wah! almost all the people sitting would just stand up rush to the floor to dance. Kosong itu kem oh...
And the tajaus...sisiopon... two stations were made. All the tajaus..neatly arranged on long tables...with never-ending visitors. They flocked around the tajaus like bees to honey. No chance mau booking... If you want, you stand in line. I tell you...
It was almost midnight when we finally made it back to Perkasa.
To Mr Denis and Ms Dorin. I wish you happiness. My best to both of you.

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