Monday, February 25, 2008


Mum sounded so excited today, calling me up early in the day. I was in the midst of a sporting activity so I promised Mum that I'd call her after my work was done. And so I did, afterwards.

What had gotten Mum in a tizzy was that she had received a letter (it was addressed simply, without proper post box num, without post code, to my dad), stating that he'd won a lottery worth hundreds of thousands of EURO. Aaahh... the hook. Well, that screams scam. Mum sounded sceptical of the scam idea as the letter was addressed to dad. Why don't I email the add given and do a check or something. Mana tau the moolah is for real! MMm.... the line. So I told her not to believe the letter and that I wouldn't do such a thing. Not email or enquire whatsoever.

Sis later advised mum on the scam-mability of the whole thing. I read the letter. The usual yak-yak-yak about Dad's name being chosen out of millions of names, winning the 1st prize lagi tu. That it's a Swiss based lottery company, and that Dad's winning had been deposited into an account in Spain. Spain?? Hah... And also that the letter was a final notice. Should we fail to contact them and do something about the winnings by next month, the EUROs would be returned to the Ministry of Economics. My *ss!

Finally both parents were convinced of the scam. Eheheh... funny what ideas came out of their heads about this scam. Maybe somebody from around KK yang kasi set-up la, wanting to con dad out of his retirement gaji la. hehehe..

Many a hapless persons already fell prey to this scam. You can read it in the news every now and then. It could be due to greed and desperation. To the scam companies of the world, may you grow boils at your bottom and have kudis buta for as long as you do this despicable work!!

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