Yes, drove over to Grandmum's around 5 just now. She knows how much i love fish..of any kinds. My aunt had texted me a few days ago telling me that Ina's(Kadazan language for mother) preserved sea minnows are 'ripe' for eating and that she invites me to come over for some.
I reached the house in 10 minutes only to find only Grandad tottering around. He said Ina was atas bukit with Kiki. What for? Oh..Kiki is surveying the grounds. Ok. So up I climbed to see what they were up to.
Seems Kiki wants to build their family house on top of that semi-leveled bukit. So her first step is to have the hill properly leveled. ;)..good...good..
After a while we slowly made our way down.. Ina is over 80years old(i think0 but she was as sure-footed as a mountain goat going down that incline. Amazing.
Anyway, both Kiki and i requested for some Talapia fish to bring home. Ina gave some to both of us..after giving me a small portion of the preserved fish or locally known as noonsom sada' or bosou. She had preserved the fish in a plastic jar which previously contained some wrapped sweets. My small jar was formerly a peanut butter glass jar. Grandad was mildly indignant at Ina for giving me such a small container. Ina said that it was enough for me. Which it was. I was already salivating at the prospect of tasting the delicacy. The pungent smell, the fishy taste and the sourness of the fermenting rice...ahh.
And sure enough, we had our dinner there as well. My uncle, Kiki and I had each taken some rice to the table..with some catfish soup. And then I decided to fry a couple of Talapias. Kiki smiled and announced that she'll wait for the fish before having dinner.. Hahah...pandai aa..
So, after frying the fish, we had a simple dinner of catfish soup (catfish with some winter melon), the fried Talapia and the magnificent bosou with some fresh lada padi. Of course, what better way to pick on the fried fish than the fingers? Best food in the world...