The Kayak Star 2 course was held from the 3rd to the 6th especially for the trainers
of the Sabah Co-curricullumCentre . The venue for the course was the Lagoon Park, Karambunai . The Kayak trainers were Mr. Mohd Fadhil
and Mr. Agku Azanul aka Aweng.
By the end of the 4 days training, all of us 16 Star 2 and 8 Star 1 participants had
sore muscles and faces like burnt shrimps or udangs.
The Lagoon Park was a good venue for the course, in my opinion. The sea/water current wasn't that strong, which made it quite an ideal place to learn and practice the various sweeps and strokes, half rolls and full rolls... and there was plenty space on land for putting up tents/camps.
Some of the tents..
View of the Mount Kinabalu during sunrise.
Romyeo : Signal for 'stop'.
Warming up
Mr. Fadhil
Aweng( kiyuutt!) ...
Me...Panat oo
Alfred...(pssst...dulu dia anak dugong ni..)
Dugong wannabe..
Doing the 'X' rescue...
Revision before test...bergelimpangan atas lantai kepenatan...
macam-macam gaya(during test)
Alfred : betul ka ni aa?
Tn Aji : Maaaana suda bot ni aa?
mona : kanda...jangan la merajuk...
tn. aji : huh...tu la dinda..sepa suru lambat bawak eskrim..
sedap ooo...
sempat naik banana boat...
peserta Kayak Star 1 and Star 2
Congratulations to all the participants of Star 1 who passed with wonderful guidance from Mr. Fadhil. To the Star 2 participants who didn't make it, don't worry... There will be other chances...
ayaaa... mau pi pikinik laini sblum hbis suti sia. siok pula sana tu, cantik view. hm, ntah mana suda tu kemah sia beli mo 300 ringgit. mahal... padahal banyak skarang sana giant rm 40 jak. wuio, best la kamurang. sadap tu makan sama sardin jak time malam kan. kana kupi tumbuk... alalalala.