Saturday, March 08, 2008

Undi time

Did what I had to do this afternoon. Many have asked me what logo or symbol I would be making a 'pangkah' on. For me, the choices that i made would be the smallest ways of saying 'thank you' to those who helped make my childhood village free of possible threats. Being vague, am i? heheh..

Mind you, this is just the Penampang/ moyog constituent. It's relatively peaceful here. I'm shocked, alarmed and worried about how things are moving in Trengganu and Kelantan. Stone-throwing, people bashing, cheek-slapping ...and most are doing it behind shrouded faces. Dare to assault, but takut kedapatan identity at the same time. Then there's the defamation, the simbah-simbah cat, the sabotaging of party signages..Sigh.. what is this nation coming to? It's so incredibly unbelievable what people are capable of doing in the name of intent. It's almost hysterical...hilarious...

Times are changing. Every second, every day. We strive to be a more intelectual nation, but the more we know, the more confused we become.

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