Friday, May 21, 2010

An apple, for a bite, for bliss..

I have Bell's Palsy. Just a partial palsy. I have been trying to console myself that I'm much better off than those who are in a lot worse medical condition. You know...the ever positive encouragement most Malaysian have of saying 'nasib baik you are like this...kalau tidak..?' or 'nasib baik bukan begitu...kalau tidak..?'. Yea...on some days when I feel ok, I feel ok. On some days when I'm particularly having a crappy day..the palsy gets to me. Admitting to having Bell's Palsy isn't easy. I guess admitting to having a defect, disfigurement that you can't quite downplay with humor... is never easy. But I'll get there...someday.
On another note, my days of wearing these braces are numbered. I'll have them off on the 24th next month to be exact. After that it's on to the next step which is wearing retainers. I've been wearing these braces for far too long. My gnashers are yellowed, I can see the unsightly tartars or carries draped along the feet of the front teeth, I'm almost sick of brushing/picking on my teeth after every meal. Every meal mean every meal, be it a simple kuih or main meal. This compulsory cleaning regime is one reason i've managed to keep my weight relatively steady for the past 4 years. How to eat in between meals if berus gigi ja kerja? Cari washroom lagi, cari mirror lagi...
All the same, this debanding (term used to describe taking off of braces) is bittersweet. I finally have nice looking teeth that will enable me to bite well but.. with Bell's Palsy as a life-long companion. I read somewhere that it's non-permanent, but i doubt it. So, que sera sera...
Anyway, I promised myself that I'll have a juicy, crunchy red apple when I finally deband. And I'm going to get one.

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