Monday, August 24, 2009

Penny for your thoughts

I remember this course that I took while in U. It was a course on writing. And Ms Theresa Heng (was it? my mind's a cloud of misty grey) was the lecturer. (oh..a good sentence isn't supposed to start with and.) but anyway.. this isn't exactly academic writing izziitt..?
In one of the tutorials for Freewriting, she said," All of you who aspire to become English educators need to be able to write a good piece of writing." or something of that effect. All the while giving this slightly lukewarm smile and sometimes insincere chuckle. She warmed up to the more mature (read older)in-service teachers i guess, since the content of their writings seem to touch a chord or two in Ms Theresa's heart. We'd be in class at BTP( i think.. so sue me if i forget!)and there'd be this two-way dialogue just between them. Them being the in-service teachers and Ms Lukewarm Smile. Except that the smile would be oh so cheerful and they'd actually guffaw with shared experiences. We the young and restless at heart would just look at each other, or look out the window, or the nice ones would just smile and nod.
It did make me think though. It's not easy penning down your thoughts. I have much admiration for anyone who is able to write and make people laugh out loud, fear the known and the unknown, cry over the silliest things, and feel so many other emotions.
So, i should write. What about? What do you suggest?

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