Sunday, April 20, 2008

CQ, CQ victor 5

"Victor 5, victor 5, Victor 3 panggilan, over."

"Victor 3, Victor 5, teruskan, over."

"Ahh... ya.. itu kantungan macam mo diisi suda la ni. QTR brapa kita mau jalan nih? Itu unta Victor 71 suda start suda tuh. over."

"QSL.. iyah... saya pun macam gitu la juga ni. Ada lagu-lagu yang tidak berapa siok didengar dari ni kantungan nih. Mmbah...QSY di tampat ikat unta Victor 71 lah. kejap lagi. over."

"QSL.. bagus la tu. Mmbah... jumpa sana. QRX 73."

Funny ah? Macam buli faham but cannot be easily understood at the same time...unless one knows what the codewords mean la. What's so interesting about Radio Amateur talk ah?
A small buzz of excitement is currently going on about buying 'handy' of brands like the 'santut' (hahahaha...) or Spender, Icom and a few more at my workplace. Some who weren't that interested in RA initially were soon convinced of the fun, certain 'status' and prestige owning and using a handy would promise, and eventually bought one of their own. Moi?...Gatal la hati mo bili.. tapi tunggulah.

Currently, TARTs, or Tuaran Amateur Radio Transmission Society, seems to be the preferred club to belong as it has opened a few branches around Sabah with different callsigns for different districts. Tango, Tango Alpha, Tango Bravo, Tango Charlie and Tango Delta are for KK registrars. I'm sure you can see many cars around town and out of town driving by with recognizable antennas installed on cars. Some are eye-catching- long antennas right on top of the car roof. Some also have their callsign printed on stickers and pasted on their spoilers, windows, or windshield. Some stickers are insconspicuosly but neatly put. You have to really lean close to read what the callsigns are. Some are Very proud of their affiliation and have it done big enough for rabun people to see.

I sat for the RAE last year. (heheh.. failed). I'll be sitting for it again later in June. Harap got improvement la kan?

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