Sunday, February 01, 2009

Home-made and lovin it

Last week I visited my Grandad (sebelah mum). Mum had asked Grandad (toing) to make her a small stool to sit on.. to make gardening more comfortable... lagipun since it's custom made, she could ask Toing to make it just the way she likes it. I also tidak mau lepas peluang... Oh of course there are many sold at a very cheap price.. plastic-made and colorful.. but this is Grandad's creation. Priceless!!

My 84 year old Grandad... old-fashioned craftsman..

No need ruler..

almost siap

Finished product...

(By the way, Grandad made 3 stools that day. One for mum, one for Gareth and for me..)

1 comment:

  1. fuiyooo... best la kau still close to your grand dad. semua grandparents sa passed away masa sa kicik lg ooo. Hm, he's still look fit la.
