Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Pre and while braces

How long has it been? Almost three years of braces. I've had complete strangers asking me about me wearing them. I'm not offended at all, and why should i be? I remember wondering about people wearing them before I started on this journey of putting fences (or pasang pagar as some friends tease) on my gnashers. Au contrare, some of the questions are quite amusing and quite naughty. When're they coming out? The billion dollar question that...

Aaaanyway, these are some pics of me. One way of reminding myself how i looked like without the braces.

sometime in the mid 90's.

(Look at the style of the spec that time..so big..like the hidung also need glasses)

Amoi cina mata sepet pakai baju kurung

I liked to wear my hair short. I still do but for now, try kasi panjang first.

1 comment:

  1. Kasi panjang tu rambut macam sly hehehe.. "dude looks like a lady..." <-- aerosmith ni!
