Sunday, November 25, 2007



Was woken up around 8 something when Mel called. She asked me where i was and whether i was going to Kiulu. Nay i said. I will be going to another friend's baby birthday party nanti petang and I didn't feel up to driving to Kiulu and driving back so soon. Told her the flying fox is supposed to start at 9am. She said she was on her way there. ok.

On any other day, i would- at the drop of a topi- be on my way to Kiulu. There is a huge sense of relief for me whenever i go to Kiulu. I would even say aloud ," hellow again Malangang," whenever i'm nearing the place. It's a retreat for me. Sure there is work involved, the work is mainly outdoor activities which would render me sighing at the end of the working day, it still is a place to release tension.
Today I woke up with a touch of headache, macam mo damam ja, macam juga mo flu. My eyes felt puffy and too big for the sockets. aih... don't la sakit. Have a busy week ahead of me.

Kem Malangang, Kiulu. View from seberang sungai. The flying Fox tower

right in the middle. wheeee.....

Saturday, November 24, 2007

citizen is me

pretty soon i'll be hopefully occupying my sierra lot and be a citizen there. Cun-cun la the artisans of Johaniaga Enterprise nih. Sooo santik my ceiling, my wardrobe, my study, my kitchen.. Beauty IS in the eyes of the beholder ba kan?
ni bukan artisans yg buat, Dapan Holding heheh... view from parking lot.
my plastered ceiling with the downlight. imagine if at night dis!

Aiya... 4got to calibrate the view... malas mo tukar lagi. lambat dis laptop.. my study wall..

Sunday, November 18, 2007

cabaran selangor

i was lucky enough to be one of the 20 chosen ones to go to selangor for this yearly cabaran challenge. it was made to be like a variation of Explorace. stopping by each station to complete a certain task before continuing off to another. Taman Pertanian Seri Alam was a huge compound. heheh... some friends dubbed it Bukit Celaka instead of Bukit cherakah... fun though it was, some part of the management of the whole thing was very disagreeable. Food was lousy. sudala sikit. With energy sapping activities, would anyone feel energised with a small bottle of mineral water and an apple? or sayur masak garam only? There were over 200 participants and only 2 pathetic food queues. I heard some didn't get enough lauk by the end of the line.

anyway, some of the activities..

stesen jerat n perangkap. after making some difrent kinds of traps, this one, the 'serkap' was to be used to catch some ikan keli in the sawah. Reportedly some 80 ekor of the ikan keli were released into the sawah. All members of each group were to wade in and try catch 3. I caught one without the serkap. Pakai tangan ja ba. It was easy as the keli didn't have any stings.

The triathlon team. Although it was a relay event, everyone put their best effort. The first event was kayak(7km). I teamed up with Sufryadi (yang pakai tights and short pants tu) for kayak. Next was bicycle-7km (mazlan and rahmat) and finally running-5km, kasmani and roslee.

There's me with Sufri starting off. A very calm and collected man he is. Never rushed me into paddling fast. Just asked me to paddle steady and in rhythm. 7km tu! i felt like giving up halfway and throwing the paddle and see it sink into the man-made stream. Nasib i thought of this determined partner and the other team cheering us on. Mcm mau putus my left arm.

But i won't deny that i had my share of fun. The other team members made the trip enjoyable. Next year it would be Cabaran Kelantan. i'm pretty sure many would want to lobby to go to Kelantan. What lies at Kelantan? why... a trip to sempadan of course, buy lotsa cheap stuff.


hi y'all..

i'd like to say hi to my readers, those yang i didn't know knew about the existence of this monologue of mine. feel free to drop ur comments, if u feel like it.

okay. what's been happening? lots..

most recently, tngc rendezvous. ai...sly came late (still work attired) and so the beverage didn't flow as profusely as usual. C uncle didn't have the compatriot to keep the atmosphere high. My reason for joining this crowd? had texted c uncle earlier for dinner at the Cage. He replied that he was already full but if i dared, i could join him at tngc with a few friends. well, the word 'dare' implied i was going to be bombed if i joined. 'tngc' would be the place where he usually go to to be bombed (he's related quite a few occasions where friends of his kasi bomb kaw kaw), 'a few friends' were a mystery. c uncle reassured me that i knew this group of humans, so i won't feel lost.

k lah. pg la i to the place mentioned. first thing that struck my mind was, err... not very crowded for a friday nite out eh? after scanning the place, i walked over to a corner yang macam ada possibility of c uncle and gang. Lo and behold, ala.... dorang pulak. the youngest member of the group was drinking milo-ping. te hehehe.... what a rarity. a tame and very sober milo-ping in a sea of chivas coctail. and a non-billower of smokes too.( the same persona who drank glass after glass of orange juice in my previous meeting with them at Magma)

Did i say Chivas?(Oh.. belated thank u to Mat for the Chivas.. i liiiiike). c uncle whispered to me sometime in the hour that he prefers good ol' beer- which later came dengan banyaknya and tpaksa tius2 to finish. i shall not mention the names of the merry makers. nanti kedapatan susa tu. the pet names that they have pun kiut-kiut belaka. i might just ask them one day if it's okay if i use their names in my blog. not that people would kanal kan? heheh... ok ka tu sly?

i'll continue with other stories later. havta go out in a bit. ciao babes.